Learn More About Each One Below or Preregister Now To Secure a Spot Upon Launch


Our online course designed to heal from sexual abuse through art offers a compassionate and empowering journey for survivors seeking therapeutic and creative avenues for recovery. This course combines the healing power of art with specialized guidance to facilitate emotional expression, self-discovery, and resilience. Participants engage in a series of structured modules that incorporate various art mediums, allowing them to explore and process their emotions at their own pace. The curriculum may include guided art exercises, reflective prompts, and expert insights on trauma recovery. Through this innovative approach, individuals can harness the transformative nature of artistic expression to navigate the complexities of healing from sexual abuse, fostering a sense of empowerment, self-compassion, and a renewed connection with their own narratives.


Our online course crafted to explore a journey into self-discovery through art therapy techniques offers participants a transformative and introspective experience. This course is designed to guide individuals on a creative exploration of their inner selves, utilizing various art forms as expressive tools. Through a series of engaging modules, participants embark on a process of self-reflection, tapping into their emotions, memories, and aspirations. The curriculum may encompass guided art exercises, mindfulness practices, and reflective prompts, encouraging participants to delve into their unique narratives. By incorporating art therapy techniques, this course aims to foster personal growth, enhance self-awareness, and provide a supportive virtual community where individuals can share and celebrate their evolving journeys of self-discovery.

Healing narcissistic abuse.

Our online course tailored to explore the journey of healing from narcissistic abuse provides a comprehensive and supportive path for survivors seeking recovery and empowerment. This course employs a combination of therapeutic insights and practical tools to guide participants through the intricate process of healing. Covering topics such as understanding narcissistic abuse dynamics, setting boundaries, and reclaiming self-worth, the curriculum incorporates interactive modules, self-reflective exercises, and expert guidance. Participants engage in a virtual community that fosters empathy and understanding, offering a safe space for sharing experiences and gaining validation. The course aims to empower survivors with the knowledge and skills necessary to navigate the complexities of healing from narcissistic abuse, ultimately fostering resilience, self-compassion, and a renewed sense of agency.

Healing after miscarriage and infant loss.

Our online course dedicated to exploring the journey of healing from miscarriage and infant loss offers a compassionate and supportive space for individuals navigating these profound experiences. This course is thoughtfully designed to address the emotional, psychological, and often isolating aspects of miscarriage and infant loss. It covers a range of topics, including grief processing, self-care strategies, and coping mechanisms. Through a series of sensitive modules, participants engage in reflective exercises, peer support discussions, and expert guidance to navigate the complexities of their grief journey. The course aims to provide a healing framework, fostering a sense of community and understanding, while equipping participants with the tools to cope with loss, honor their grief, and move towards a path of emotional restoration and hope for a beautiful future.

EMDR AND healing after trauma.

Our online course crafted to explore the journey of utilizing Eye Movement Desensitization and Reprocessing (EMDR) or introducing self-administered techniques for healing after trauma offers participants a structured and empowering approach to trauma recovery. This course delves into the principles of EMDR, a clinically proven therapeutic method for processing traumatic memories, and introduces self-administered techniques that individuals can incorporate into their healing journey. Through a series of educational modules, guided exercises, and practical demonstrations, participants learn how to navigate and process traumatic experiences effectively. The curriculum may also include discussions on self-care, resilience-building, and fostering a supportive mindset. The course aims to equip participants with tools for managing trauma-related distress independently, promoting a sense of agency and facilitating a transformative journey towards healing.

Parenting connections and support.

Our online course thoughtfully crafted to explore the journey of providing nurturing parent connections and support offers a comprehensive guide for individuals seeking guidance in parenting techniques, childhood discipline, and overall parenting advice. This course is designed to create a virtual community where participants can connect, share experiences, and receive expert insights on effective parenting. Covering topics such as positive discipline, age-appropriate guidance, and fostering healthy parent-child relationships, the curriculum includes engaging modules, practical tips, and interactive discussions. Participants gain access to a wealth of resources aimed at enhancing their parenting skills, promoting a nurturing environment, and addressing common challenges. The course aims to empower parents with valuable tools, building confidence and fostering a supportive network for navigating the rewarding journey of raising children.


Preregistration secures you a spot upon launch, however, you will not receive content until payment has been submitted.